A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering | Discover | Out East | Wines To Celebrate Life
A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering | Discover | Out East | Wines To Celebrate Life

A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering

live intentionally

It’s incredibly exciting to get out there and see the world. But what if you can see the world and help people (as well as the actual world itself) while you’re at it? Oh, and pay little to next-to-nothing? Enter the world of volunteer tourism and you might just never take a “regular” trip again.

A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering | Discover | Out East | Wines To Celebrate Life
A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering | Discover | Out East | Wines To Celebrate Life
"We dedicate ourselves not only to promoting excitement and opportunity in life, but also to embracing it..."

The Perks of Humanitarian Trips
Humanitarian trips provide an unparalleled sense of personal accomplishment in addition to all the perks of a regular trip, from meeting new people to seeing new places and expanding your horizons.

Community Impact
Being able to provide a community in a foreign country with fresh water, housing, an education, or even simply a means to grow their own food is an experience that’s nothing less than life-changing. It alters the way you see the world, literally and figuratively. And, because volunteering has been scientifically proven to increase happiness and the feeling of accomplishment within us, it’s no wonder why more and more travelers have been turning to volunteer trips abroad instead of the usual hotel and tourist-trap experiences. It’s an enriched, evolved travel experience.

At Out East, we don’t just pride ourselves on our vibrant, crisp rosé but also on the unique, enriched lifestyle that we exemplify. We dedicate ourselves not only to promoting excitement and opportunity in life, but also to embracing it — and encourage we other adventurous folks to do the same.

Whether you’re looking for one-on-one time with endangered species or helping empower women in underserved communities, there’s sure to be an option below that’s right for every type of traveler (and personality).

A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering | Discover | Out East | Wines To Celebrate Life

Teaching in Nepal

A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering | Discover | Out East | Wines To Celebrate Life

Orangutan rescue center in Indonesia

A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering | Discover | Out East | Wines To Celebrate Life

A volunteer at the Orangutan rescue center

A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering | Discover | Out East | Wines To Celebrate Life

Teaching in Sri Lanka

A Vacationers Guide to Volunteering | Discover | Out East | Wines To Celebrate Life

Volunteering in Nepal

- Animals & The Planet
How about trotting around the planet while saving it at the same time? Sounds like a win-win. With ecotourism volunteer programs, that’s just what you can do. GoEco – an ecotourism company that sends over 2,000 volunteers to placements worldwide each year – offers plenty of opportunities to help out around the world, from a bottlenose dolphin conservation organization in Croatia, to an orangutan rescue center in Indonesia, to an African wildlife orphanage in Zimbabwe — and well beyond. It’s a treasure trove of carefully vetted opportunities to make a big difference for various cute creatures and the planet they (and we) inhabit.

- Women’s Rights
Want to support women’s rights while traveling the world? The organization Go Overseas will help you do just that. They partner with human rights and volunteer organizations around the world with the goal of making a difference in women’s lives. From education and village development programs in Sri Lanka, to helping women in Peru gain valuable work skills, to social and conservation programs aiding women in underserved communities in Nepal and Kathmandu — there’s bound to be something that resonates with virtually any traveler. Visit gooverseas.com to view the opportunities and get more info.

- A Little Bit of Everything
If you’re not sure where to begin, Matador Network is your answer. There are opportunities here from everyone from younger travelers to families, but the common denominator is Matador Network’s commitment to making sure travelers experience local culture in the same unique, exciting way as a non-volunteer traveler would. You can find out more on their informative news site, where countless experience highlights and updates are posted daily. Pick what inspires you — from national parks to international inner cities to LGBT-focused opportunities — then get out there and do some good … while having plenty of fun in the process.

About the Author:
Samantha Hager is a freelance journalist with a bit of a twist. With nearly a decade in the writing industry, Samantha has done everything from spoken word, music journalism and novels all the way to advanced cybersecurity and IT papers. With a love for all things weird and quirky, she spends most of her time exploring the country and staying up to date on nerd culture with her loving husband, Joel. Check out more of her work on her various social media accounts and her content marketing blog on her personal site.

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